Arbeitsgruppe Funktionalanalysis

Introduction to port-Hamiltonian Systems (2024)

Lecture Phase (April 10th - July 17th 2024)

  • This self-contained Online Course is aimed at interested Master's and PhD students in engineering, mathematics or science who have a basic understanding of linear algebra and calculus.
  • To access the material you have to fill in the Course Registration
  • After the lecture period, interested students are invited to work on small projects and attend a final symposium where you can meet international experts


Lecture 1 (Introduction) - 10.04.24 - Recording

Lecture 2 (Introduction) - 24.04.24 -  Recording

Lecture 3 & 4 (Solution theory) - 02.05.24 - Recording

Lecture 5 (Stability) - 09.05.24 -  Recording

Lecture 6 (Lyapunov and LaSalle) -16.05.24 -  Recording

Lecture 7 (PH DAEs) - 23.05.24 - Recording

Lecture 8  (Nonlinear DAEs) - 30.05.24 - Recording

Lecture 9 (Linear DAEs) - 06.06.24 - Recording

Lecture 10 (Passivity/Control) - 12.06.24 - Recording

Lecture 11 (Geometry 1) - 20.06.24 - Recording 

Lecture 12 (Geometry 2) - 27.06.24 - Recording

Lecture 13 (Circuits) - 04.07.24 - Recording

Lecture 14 (On Phase 2 and Phase 3) - 11.07.24 - Recording

Exercise 1 (17.04.24, 10:15-11:45, Hs 8)  

Exercise 2: Thursday 16.05.24, 12-14 in Zoom

Exercise 3 (Stability): Wednesday 05.06.24, Hörsaal 8, G.15.03 in Wuppertal 10:15-11:45

Exercise 4 (DAEs): Wednesday 26.06.24, Upload of the Solutions

Exercise 5 (Geometry): Wednesday 24.07.24, Upload of the Solutions

Project Phase (12th Aug - 3rd Dec 24)

  • The project phase start 05.08.24  and end with the Symposium in Wuppertal from 03.12.- 06.12.24 where the topics of the projects will be presented and discussed.
  • If you have an idea for a group project, then please upload a few lines of project description and the name of the coordinators and upload it in the Shared Folder until Wednesday 31th July 2024.
  • Alternatively, you can join a project group based on your interests. A link for voting will be provided later.

Have a look at the Project descriptions and choose your favourite projects here.

  • P01 - "Dissipative Hamiltonian DAEs in infinite dimensions" (Hannes Gernandt, Mehmet-Emin Erbay)
  • P02 - "Linear-Quadratic optimal control for a class of infinite-dimensional pH systems" (Anthony Hastir , Birgit Jacob, Hans Zwart)
  • P03 - "PH modelling of eddy current brakes" (Timo Reis, Felix L. Schwenninger, Alexander Wierzba)
  • P04 - "Maxwell’s Equation" (Merlin Schmitz, Nathanael Skrepek)
  • P05 - "Energy-efficient predictive control of pH systems" (Manuel Schaller, Karl Worthmann)


Final Symposium (December 3rd - 6th 2024)

Participants of the Project Phase are invited to Wuppertal for a four days workshop where the project teams will present their findings and additional lectures will be delivered by leading experts.

Technical Programme

Arrival on Monday 02.12.24 afternoon and departure either Thursday 05.12.24 after lunch or, if you participate in the city tour on Friday 06.12.24.

Day \ Time Tue 03.12.24 Wed 04.12.24 Thu 05.12.24
9:00 - 10:30 Project 05 Project 02 Interactive Session
10:30 - 11:00 Coffee / Tea Coffee / Tea Coffee / Tea
11:00 - 11:30 Invited Talk Invited Talk Invited Talk
12:00 - 13:00 Lunch Lunch Lunch / Departure
14:00 - 15:30 Project 04 Project 01 City
15:30 - 16:00 Coffee / Tea Coffee / Tea -
16:00 - 18:00 Project 03 pH Seminar (Timo Reis) Tour
18:00 - Dinner BBQ Dinner at Amalfi

Registered Participants

  1. Bernhard Aigner (Freiberg)
  2. Antoine Bendimerad (Toulouse)
  3. Soufiane Ben Mira (Marrakech)
  4. Karim Cherifi (Wuppertal)
  5. Abdelhakim Dahmani (Aalen)
  6. Jannik Daun (Wuppertal)
  7. Bouchra Elghazi (Wuppertal)
  8. Mehmet Erbay (Wuppertal)
  9. Hannes Gernandt (Wuppertal)
  10. Thavamani Govindaraj (Ilmenau)
  11. Anthony Hastir (Wuppertal)
  12. Birgit Jacob (Wuppertal)
  13. Kaja Krhac (Wuppertal)
  14. Attila Karsai (Berlin)
  15. Elysee Koulnidji (Franche-Comte)
  16. Ahlam Ouardi (Ben Guerir)
  17. Marco Roschkowski (Wuppertal)
  18. Arijit Sarkar (Cottbus)
  19. Jochewed Schmeck (Magdeburg)
  20. Merlin Schmitz (Wuppertal)
  21. Manuel Schaller (Chemnitz)
  22. Nathanael Skrepek (Twente)
  23. Timo Reis (Ilmenau)
  24. Filippo Testa (Twente)
  25. V. K. Singh (Groningen)
  26. Alexander Wierzba (Twente)
  27. Lihua Zhou (Groningen)

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